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New Year, New Goals

Happy New Year to all my past, present and future clients!

Is anyone else in complete denial that it is actually 2019? 2018 seems to have passed in a blink of an eye! Though it was an incredibly busy one for me. I turned 30 (it wasn't so bad after all!), found out we had a little surprise on the way, had an incredible child-free trip to New York, worked two hectic jobs, bought a house, redecorated and moved (whilst 32 weeks pregnant in one crazy heat wave!), welcomed a beautiful baby boy, enjoyed a short maternity leave, went on a magical family adventure to Disneyland Paris and celebrated Christmas. Phew!

Without a doubt the most amazing thing about 2018 was our gorgeous little Arlo's arrival. We didn't find out what we were having and I can honestly say finding out he was a little boy was most probably one of the most incredible feelings ever! He is now 4 months old and I am just loving every minute of him. I'm only trying to work 2 days a week at most whilst he is still so young (and not sleeping!) and I cannot thank my current clients enough for their understanding during such a hectic time in our lives!

A little snap shot of Arlo's progression for you all!

Arlo's milestones

Business wise 2018 was very kind. I photographed over 54 newborns as well as over 70 cake smashes, sitter sessions, maternity, family and Christmas mini sessions. I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting and photographing each and every one of you and am already so excited to meet all the lovely clients booked in for 2019. The studio has grown from strength to strength and I have put every single ounce of energy I have into my little baby. I have so many plans for 2019 and cannot wait to share them all with you!

This year I am calling these New Year's Goals. A resolution is defined as a firm decision not to do something and seems so cut-throat and final. I am such an indecisive person that I simply cannot keep resolutions and they always seem so pointless! I change my mind on a daily basis, how on earth could I keep to something for an entire year? A goal however seems much more achievable. 'The object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.' Something we can set ourselves that will have a personal benefit to our lives but we are not a slave to or feel like a failure when we haven't achieved it (I am also a poor loser). So here are my 2019 goals.

1. Blog more.

I added this blog to my website back in 2016 in the hope I would blog once a month. Of course as usual time is not a luxury I seem to own and it has pretty much sat here empty... until now. I want to blog about me, let you get to know me, share things I have learnt about motherhood/parenthood, share inside secrets about my sessions and what they involve, blog about topics that are important to me and so much more. So stay tuned and let me know what you'd like to see/hear more of.

2. Take more pictures

Now this isn't a take more pictures goal in general, it is actually more specific. Take more pictures of my family. I often sit here editing away thinking 'Oh I'd love a picture of my girls like this!' or 'I really must do this with my own family'. This year I hope to change this. I want gorgeous images of my children printed big, hung in pride place in my home. I want to capture all the wonderful places we go and silly things they do as one day this will be all I have left of such a precious time.

3. Spend quality time as a family

This seems so simple and yet always so hard to achieve. My husband works crazy hours and I work on his days off at present so often we feel like passing ships (who else can relate?). We have two girls in full time education with hectic after school activities and pretty much spend most of our weeks being a taxi service, watching them swim, dropping them off at dance lessons, extra curricular activities, waiting to pick them up, hurry home and throw together a quick tea and keep them in a good bedtime routine. It's exhausting! Throw in a baby and well you can imagine how it's been. I want make sure this year we have quality days spent together, go on little adventures, have chilled 'family time' and just be us. We've just booked a holiday for September and I am already on countdown for some fun in the sun!

4. Loose baby weight

Now I am no fitness fanatic or healthy eating guru but I have really lost my way. Growing a little human, giving birth, breastfeeding and Christmas have really a lot to answer for! I have completely indulged (and boy did I enjoy it!) but now as the new year is here I am really missing my pre pregnancy body and general fitness. To just walk up a flight of stairs without feeling I'm about to have an asthma attack would be nice! This year I intend to slowly get myself into a decent fitness regime and work on building up my core strength again. Something about having a baby makes you feel like you have the core strength of a piece of spaghetti! I want to feel strong, fit and energised! So I'll keep you posted on how this goes and what I try in the hope that it may benefit some of you who may be feeling the same.

And that's it! Obviously I have my business goals alongside these personal ones so I think these 4 are completely manageable and achievable. Time will only tell!

I'd love to hear what your goals for 2019 are!

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